Passionists Pray

Prayer changes your life and how you think about it. That’s because prayer brings you to God, who gives life to the world and all of us. So, take up the gift God gives. “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.”

The Passionists are a religious community dedicated to prayer and teaching others to pray. Each site below invites you to enrich your life by introducing creative ways to bring faith and prayer into your life and the lives of those around you.

Let’s Pray

A guide to a lifelong conversation with God

The Passion of Christ

Mystery of the passion, death, and resurrection

Monastery Mass

Immaculate Conception Monastery
Jamaica, New York

Our Children Pray

Helping children to pray as they begin their relationship with God

Our Mary Garden

A place of solace in a busy world

Father Victor’s Blog

Homilies, thoughts, images from the Passionists

passionists pray